Legal Research Search Collection
This will search text within PDF documents found in this collection (Legal Advisories, Program Management Advisories, Education Advisories, Executive Orders, and Judicial Opinions) and the text that appears in the table below. Text will not be searched within documents that are accessible via external links (Federal Register Issuances, OGE Regulations, Supplemental Regulations, Statutes, and Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel Opinions).
There are four main ways to review the materials found in the Legal Research Search Collection and conduct research:
- Search within the Documents in this Collection: allows you to search text within the PDF documents that are stored in the collection (e.g., Legal Advisories, Program Management Advisories, Education Advisories, Executive Orders, and Judicial Opinions).
- Filters: allow you to filter results based on pre-established categories (Type, Topics, Agency, and Year).
- Search: allows you to search the text that appears in the webpage table (e.g., Date, Title, Short Description, and Topics).
- Sort: allows you to sort by each column of the dataset (e.g., Date, Notes, Agency).
These methods can be used separately or in combination to further refine your search results.